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via MacOSXHints.com on 3/31/09

You can easily subscribe to info from Weather Underground and have their daily forecasts appear as all-day events in iCal:
  1. Visit wunderground.com and search for the specific forecast for the area you're interested in.
  2. On the resulting page, click on and download the file linked to the ICAL icon near the top-right of the page.
  3. Open the file, and choose to add its data to an existing calendar or create a new one. As for myself, I created a new calendar that is currently set to refresh weekly.
One can certainly use other means to get weather info, but this is convenient for me because I always have iCal open anyway.

[robg adds: I just copied the URL from the ICAL link, then used Calendar » Subscribe in iCal, and pasted in the copied link. Works as described, and definitely handy.]

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